Implementing Best Practices in the
Science Classroom

Thursday, April 18, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET

Join our LinkIt team members, Carrie Button and Julia Diminich-Kucharski, along with Stephen Pruitt to learn about the creation of NGSS, how these 3-dimensional standards impact instruction, and how to build a cohesive practice of curriculum, instruction, and assessment in science classrooms.

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About the Presenter

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Stephen Pruitt is the President of the Southern Regional Education Board. Prior to joining SREB, Stephen worked as Kentucky’s state commissioner of education. Starting his career as a high school chemistry teacher in Georgia, he has since gained experience in education policy, assessment, and instruction at the local, state, and national levels. While in Georgia, Stephen served as an associate state superintendent for assessment and accountability. At the national level, he worked with state agencies and educators nationwide to improve policy and practice in science education. Stephen also led the development of the Next Generation Science Standards which provides the basis for science standards in more than 40 states.


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