This webinar will examine the philosophy and methodology of using data to group students for a variety of purposes. We will discuss homogeneous grouping, heterogeneous grouping, MTSS tiered grouping, gifted and other program eligibility, and advanced course rostering.
Join LinkIt! and PASCD to learn how to put theory into practice for all of your students!
Kevin Fahy
Chief Client Officer, LinkIt!
LinkIt! is a leader in the field of K-12 data-driven technology solutions. Specifically, we offer a data warehouse and reporting dashboard, an assessment platform for local data capture, and an intervention management (MTSS) solution. We distinguish ourselves with our robust and easy-to-use analytics, integration capabilities, and customer service-driven model.
The Pennsylvania Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (PASCD) is an organization committed to the improvement of curriculum development, supervision, instruction, promotion of professional growth and education of children. As a state affiliate of ASCD, our organization promotes quality leadership by providing timely programs and services to our membership. Pennsylvania ASCD is the proud recipient of the 2011 ASCD Affiliate Excellence Award.
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