Using Pre-K Data to Support Tier 1
and PIRT Processes

Wednesday, October 23, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ET

Join Dr. Christie Schutz Vincelli to learn how to effectively use Pre-K data to support Tier 1 interventions and the PIRT (Preschool Intervention and Referral Team) processes by gathering and analyzing a range of data points that reflect developmental progress, learning needs, and social-emotional well-being. Here’s a structured approach to utilizing Pre-K data:

1. Collect Comprehensive Pre-K Data:

  • Developmental Screenings: Use tools like Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) or Brigance Early Childhood Screens to assess developmental milestones in areas like motor skills, communication, social-emotional development, and problem-solving.
  • Observational Data: Record observations from teachers and aides on children's behaviors, interactions, and learning patterns. Note specific areas where children may struggle or excel.
  • Formative Assessments: Utilize ongoing assessments, such as anecdotal notes, checklists, and portfolios, to capture evidence of children's progress in literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional skills.
  • Family Input: Include data from family surveys or parent-teacher conferences to understand children's behaviors at home and in community settings.

By using Pre-K data effectively, educators can provide a strong foundation for all students, ensure early identification of needs, and build a robust framework for continuous improvement in teaching and learning processes.

About the Presenter

Dr. Christie Schutz VincelliAn award-winning teacher, author, presenter, and school administrator with over 18 years of experience in Pre-K-12 education. Dr. Schutz Vincelli has served in many administrative capacities including Vice Principal, Supervisor, and Director of Special Services. Her areas of focus include MTSS/RTI, special education, research, and curriculum development. Dr. Schutz Vincelli was recognized by the New Jersey Department of Education as her district was named a model district for her implementation of the NJTSS framework.

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